Taking the Long View Revolutionized My Parenting
‘Parents, you need to be perfect. You’re also perfect just the way you are.’ Our culture is confused. We need a better way.
‘Parents, you need to be perfect. You’re also perfect just the way you are.’ Our culture is confused. We need a better way.
Of course, motherhood is hard. But many of our taglines overemphasize the pain of motherhood to the exclusion of the delight.
The combined feelings of loss and gain, joy and sorrow remind adopted children that, although we’re not with the ones who bore us, we are with the ones who chose us.
God will give you grace today for what needs to be done today and grace tomorrow for what needs to be done tomorrow.
Once you start to let go of what you think Bible reading ‘should’ be, you’ll be free to discover what it can be.