“Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities, and shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross” (Col.2:15). We grieve, but “not like the rest of mankind who have no hope” (1Thess.4:13) “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, sorrow, crying or pain...” (Rev.21:4)
Lord Jesus, some anniversaries we dare not forget, some we wish we could. One year ago today, evil’s hatred of beauty was on full display in Nashville. Shots were fired, shalom was shattered, sensibilities were desecrated, and little children and dear friends died. The terror and trauma still reverberate—sending different-sized and unpredictably-timed shock waves of grief, fear, and vulnerability.
Healing is underway, but until the Day of wiped tears and all things new, it will hurt. It’s supposed to hurt. Grieving is better than numbing, and deep lament honors you more than calloused hearts. Jesus, thank youy for the gift of mourning, even as we long for the morning of eternal dancing and garments of joy (Psalm 30:11-12).
Today we pray for those most deeply impacted—for children, families, the faculty, and our friends. There’s no scorecard or timetable for measuring “doing better.” There’s you, Jesus, a calendar of grace, and our calling to bear one another’s burdens. Grant all of us heaven-crafted grace for a day like this.
It’s not lost on us that this “anniversary” falls right in the middle of “Easter Week.” So along with our deep lament, ignite and fuel defiant hope, Jesus. Evil doesn’t get the last word, you do. Evil doesn’t win, you did. You have publicly shamed evil, and you will totally eradicate it. And on the Day you wipe our anguished tears, you will redeem the pain behind each tear. Thank you, Jesus, thank you… So Very Amen.