
As [Jesus] approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:41-42


Lord Jesus, we treasure your tears, even as we long for the Day you will wipe our’s away (Rev.21:4). The tears of love you wept for your close friend, Lazarus, endear you to us (Jn.11:35). And the tears of lament you wept over Jerusalem, just four days before you were crucified—we treasure those tears too, Jesus. They make us a bit uncomfortable, but thank you for your tenacious, disruptive tenderness.

Those tears lead us to ask, where do we ourselves, Jesus—your beloved Bride, still look for peace beyond you? You didn’t just come to give us peace as we face death, but also as we live life. You don’t always still the storm, but you will always join us there. We are foolish to ignore you.

You don’t always give us what we want, but you always supply what we need. We are deceived to think otherwise. You don’t always change our circumstances, but you will change us. We are to be pitied if we prefer an easy life over a changed heart. Jesus, reel our wandering hearts in. Gather and grace us. Be our peace, don’t just give us peace.

Paul called you his “boast”—and “the excellency of knowing you” as his supreme good (1Cor.1:31, Gal. 6:12, Phil. 3:8). Moses knew you as his “strength and song” (Ex.15:2). Jeremiah called you his “portion and inheritance” (Lam.3:24). Asaph treasured you as the One who makes heaven heavenly—more desirable than anything on earth (Ps. 73:25-26). Us too, Jesus. Be our everything. So Very Amen.
