“May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Gal.6:14
Dear Lord Jesus, may your Spirit work powerfully in our hearts this week, as we survey afresh the wonders of your cross and fullness of your grace. Surveying takes unrushed time, gives attention to details, and depending on where we are standing—often leads to breathtaking awe. So may it be with us, Jesus.
We are grateful to be standing in grace (Rom.5:1-2) as we ponder the unparalleled sacrifice you made for us. To see and savor your cross simultaneously positions us in front of the Swiss Alps of your love, and the Grand Canyon of our need.
There is no greater love than the love you demonstrated in dying for us, Jesus (Jn.15:13). Neither is there any more humbling diagnosis of our condition. That you had to die for us, Jesus, sobers and silences us. We didn’t need a second chance, but a second birth. We weren’t in dire straits, but in death’s grip—“dead in our sins and trespasses.” Boasting in our good works, obedience, religious zeal, and tears is empty puffery, groundless hope, salvation-less spirituality. Our condition was grave, but your grace is great.
That you were glad to die for us, Jesus, generates with in us a peace, freedom, and joy that cannot be found anywhere else. Our only boast, trust, and hope—our “redemptive-anti-brag” is the fullness and finality of your cross, Jesus. “It is finished!” was your last cry, and our first cry of true freedom. Jesus, in the coming days, free us more fully to boast in your cross—not just as our way into heaven, but as our way of life. So Very Amen.