You might think the story of Jonah—a man swallowed by a fish—is about as far removed from our current cultural moment as you can get. But you’d be wrong. We live in a world full of self-righteousness, nationalism, and ethnic rivalry not all that different from Jonah’s day.
In today’s podcast, Maina Mwaura asked TGC vice president Tim Keller why he wrote a book on Jonah and what modern-day attitudes are reflected in the prodigal prophet. Keller points out that Jonah didn’t recognize his own lack of merit before God, which made him reluctant to extend grace to pagan people. “Because he didn’t grasp the gospel of grace in his own life,” Keller says, “he was a terrible missionary.”
- Tim Keller on a Fishy Story (Matt Smethurst)
- 20 Quotes from Tim Keller’s New Book on Jonah (Matt Smethurst)
- Help Me Teach the Bible: Colin Smith on Jonah (Nancy Guthrie)
- The Difficult Prophet and Tim Keller’s Legacy (Hannah Anderson)
Is there enough evidence for us to believe the Gospels?